Sunday, September 4, 2011

New member of the family

Haha - that fooled you hey!
Well, it's not what you think. The bump is still intact and larger than life..... but we do have some news :)

As you may know our lovely Mac died a few months back. We never realised the impact this would have on our family. Since he died, almost three months ago, Lucy has been waking each night (read: 3am!)  frightened. It's been horrible. We tuck her back up and she is often weeping, and having tried many things to comfort her we reached the 'end of our rope' with Lucy and her mama and daddy quite exhausted and discouraged.
Add to that my own loneliness (sniff sniff - I know - poor me!!!) Although I have not lived near my family for a number of years I must confess to finding it very difficult. I can't just call in on my folks or brothers and family, or have my folks come over and help out when things are tough. The reality is that is quite a trial for me. Even with a house full of noise and kids I find the days are sometimes (and more lately, often) lonely (it sounds pathetic, but I am 34 and a half weeks pregnant and still feeling sick!!! So give me a wee break!) Now while I must say that 'a new family member' will not make up for the Thursday's I know my mum and sister in law's go out for lunch together, or the twice weekly meals that my brothers and their families have at mum and dad's, not to mention friends who live a long way from here..... it will be nice to have a little companion at my feet to amuse me.
So... let me continue my story....... while we had planned on waiting till next year to 'start looking' it seemed that the need was now. So at the end of this past week we had a look on Trade Me. For a free dog. Yep free. Spaniel's are normally about $800 and that was quite a lot outside of our 'free' budget. giggle.  Anyway spaniels are rarely free. If they are, there is usually something wrong with them. Like - they hate kids. Or they have a heart condition. Or three legs (actually that's a lie).

Anyway, there I was looking for a free spaniel, within driving distance of our house, with great health, potty trained, well behaved, loves little hands constantly looking to scratch the ears, not a digger or a barker and would sleep with an almost 6 year old to help with the nightmares, as well as be a companion to this mama to be..... Not too much to ask I thought.

And there he was. Honestly! So I did what any self respecting 30 something year old would do. I welled up with tears and emailed my honey at work. I may or may not have entitled the email "URGENT" (hehe)
My honey (being the world's most sweetest man who has been concerned about his wife's lack of cheer of heart) emailed back and said - "Let's talk...."

A few phone calls, emails and a few 'hold hands and pray and talk' sessions later, we were driving to visit A Dog. He is lovely. He loved the kids. He sat when told, gave high five, chased imaginary balls in the park and even allowed the kids to walk him on a lead. And he is healthy as a bean! And adorable - big eyes and soft ears - all a bit lovely.

I'm so thankful. I think he has come at just the right time for us. And I think it will mean that we will get to sleep through the night again. That will be helpful on all fronts.
I just can't say how thankful I am. It was just another reminder to me that the Lord cares even about the small details of life. He provided us a dog but more than that - he cared about the small things which will make such a difference to the lives of the 5 in this family.

A Dog (now This Dog) moves in next Sunday. Lucy's birthday. Can't wait.
Thank you Lord.

PS - his name is Milo. Photo's next week.......


  1. Prayers are answered when they are needed. He sounds perfect. Cant wait to see the photos.Valxx

  2. FUN!!! So happy for you, Laura, and I can't wait to see the photos :) What a blessing!
