Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Junior Master-chief

Last night was a treat that I had planned for a while....
we got the girls out of bed for 8:30pm and let them watch Junior Master-chief on TV.
To say they loved it was an understatement.... so I thought it would be fun if we did a bit of 
master-chief of our own!

Even a broken arm can't doesn't get in the way of cup cakes!

Here is the poor wee dot with her sore arm still hard at work in the kitchen!

Just checking that they have done it right....


The little baking team!!



  1. They look great!That arm looks sore.Iam sorry.
    I hope you get better soon.I think you will get a letter [and soon!].


    Jada xoxo

  2. Thank you Jada. My arm is sore and itchy!! Can't wait to get the letter. Love Lucy xx (Georgia says HI MARY!!)

  3. So cute! I'm watch MasterChef now. I love watching the junior one, I hope Peter can cook like those kids in a few years :)
