Well it's been quite a sad time at The Cottage with The Dog not getting better despite numerous trips and stay's at the vet.... and very sadly we had to farewell dear our Mac. But that's all about that... before I start weeping (again!) which starts the kids off too....
Anyway, in the name of denial and distraction, there was a need for some op-shop treasure hunting.
Oh boy did we get it!
This very ugly (but very solid and perfectly sized) bookshelf ($25 at Habitat)...
became the perfect end of bed bookshelf for Miss Bookworm who's books are taking over her room.
Now I just need the energy to sort the books and get them on it....
This nasty white table ($5 from Habitat) below (yes - very nasty, you can't see the marks and stains which made me drench it in anti-bacterial spray and wash it before re-painting it).....
became an even more suitable desk for in my room.
(oops - who put those ugly power cords on the floor?!)
So - a successful day. It was fun. And a little bit distracting. Just a little bit though.
Looks great and I'm sure the work was very therapeutic. You have had lots of prayers go out from here across the sea. <3